Friday, July 2, 2010


YES!!!!!! It finally is going to happen. We have finally found a place of our own. After hitting the 1 year mark of living in with my parents, we are moving out! I am so grateful for the time we have got to be living with my parents getting things back in order. It has been quite a blessing. The hardest part we have had was finding the right place. We were in hopes that we could maybe be able to buy our own home, but it's just not in our cards right now. Honestly we felt good about it though, seeing that next October, Chris will be finished with his Master's Degree (YES!!!!) and not knowing if we will be staying in this area for work, its almost better not to buy a house just yet.
But the process of finding a place to rent has been very depressing! I have cried on my husbands shoulders many nights because things just weren't working out right. We wanted to try and find a house so the kids could have their own back yard and space, but nothing seemed to be right for us.

FINALLY we say a for rent sign on these apartment complexes in town, I will admit that I had my doubts. I almost felt like a failure because I was taking my family back to an apartment and not a house. So we went to look just to see what they looked like. We took our kids with us, and when Neilsen, my 4 yr old, walked in his eyes lite up like Christmas morning and he looked at me and said, "Mom this is going to be our house!" He was so excited and went through every room and told me what he found in all of them. Right then I knew, that it didn't matter if we lived in house or an apartment, as long as we were together in our own space is all that mattered. Besides a home is what you make of it right?

So we took the application for it that day, asked if they had anything besides an upstairs available. She thought she might have a downstairs but would let us know. By the time we dropped it back off, and got all the necessary paperwork in, we were told she had a TOWNHOUSE available. HELLO!!! What more could I ask for. So to make a long post short. WE GOT THE TOWNHOUSE! I am so excited and so relieved that things are starting to look up from here. We signed out contract today and walked away with our keys, and can start moving in on Monday.

We are so excited to finally be getting back into our own place. Once everything is in I will post pictures. But I had to post and share my exciting news. :)


Brittaney said...

YAY! how exciting for you guys! we almost got the townhouse at the apts too. they are pretty nice! good luck!!

Melinda said...

That's incredible!! Having your 'own place' is so great! And to get a townhouse when you were expecting 'just' an apartment - wow.

And congratulations on baby!!